Icons and watermark now use images from a folder in the directory named 'Imports'. 'Lock bend angle' option to lock the current object's bend angle to it's parent's bend angle.(Can be passed through folders.) You can convert the currently opened project for vanilla Mine-imator 1.0.6. Hide objects during low quality rendering and high quality rendering. Hidden hotkeys are shown in controls tab in settings. Includes "Improved Foliage", "Photography", "Fullscreen", and "Custom icons and watermark" mods. 1.3 Version 1.0.2, 2016.11.19, changes: 1.1 Version 1.0.0, 2016.11.4, features: Minecraft Mod Crafting Dead 1.6 4 Download You can choose to switch between preset Minecraft biomes and a custom biome color. However, this changed when David had announced that he came back to developing Mine-imator, and was creating a new, rather big, update.Version History Version 1.0.0, 2016.11.4, features: 2.1 Mine-imator: Community Edition was originally planned to have a 1.1.0 update. Mine-imator is a 3D animation software created by David Norgren back in August 21st, 2012.Timeline selection box color can be customized. Mine-imator Steve Hidden Fingers Rig V1 - Rigs - Mine via Purple Guy Rig - Rigs - Mine-imator Forums via Spongebob Rig ( Released ! ) - Rigs - Mine-imator Forums via Zuexs' Fallen Kingdom King Rig :d - Rigs - Mine-imator Forums via Minecraft Blender Rig via My Rig Version 1.0 - Rigs - Mine-imator Forums via Cinema4d Zombie Villager Rig + Dancing Moves! Minecraft via Survivor Rig - Rigs - Mine-imator Forums via Warning Its Purple Guy W/ Fingers And 3d Stuff - Rigs via [rigs} Boondocks Rig Pack - Rigs - Mine-imator Forums via Smooth Bendable Alpha Rig! - Rigs - Mine-imator Forums via Vincent Valentine Ffvii (view In 3d!!!) Minecraft Skin via Halo 4: Unsc Marine Squad - Rigs - Rigs - Mine-imator Forums via Random ImageMine-imator is a program designed to create animations for Minecraft. Download version 1.2.7, released (See changes). Mine Imator 1.0.6 Skin Rig DownloadIt is simple and easy to learn.Minecraft skin rig download mine, minecraft skin rig download minecraft, minecraft skin rig download c4d, minecraft skin rig cinema 4d, blender minecraft skin rig, minecraft skin rig editor, minecraft skin rig c4d, little kelly minecraft skin right now, minecraft skin rigs, minecraft skin rigby, minecraft skin rigs for girls blender, minecraft skin rig blender, cinema 4d minecraft skin rig, minecraft skins, minecraft skin editor, minecraftskins com, minecraft skins skindex, minecraftskins net, To install and start using Mine-imator, download the automatic installer (.exe) or archive (.zip) from below. The program reached critical acclaim after the release of Frossas Meet the Pyro in. It is well known for being easy to use, graphically pleasing, and being freeware.